About The Camping & Caravanning Club

Where it all began...

In August 1901, six people went camping in an orchard on the outskirts of Wantage and from this small acorn has grown the mighty oak known today as The Camping and Caravanning Club.
Originally called the Association of Cycle Campers, this group of 6 rapidly grew to over 800 by 1910. in 1919 the club changed its name to The Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland and was still primarily a tent orientated group.
Some Club members built their own, mostly using Ash as the timber for the chassis and drawbar, and wheels and springs from a crashed motor car.
By 1933, some Club members were becoming interested in a new form of camping, the caravan. In those days, although companies like Eccles, Winchester Car Cruiser and Raven were producing caravans commercially, some Club members built their own, mostly using Ash as the timber for the chassis and drawbar, and wheels and springs from a crashed motor car, such as a Morris Cowley. Plywood was used for the walls and stretched and doped canvas for the roof.

This upsurge in interest led, in 1933, to the formation of a Club Caravan Section, later to become known as The British Caravanners Club.

In 1983, to reflect the growth in caravanning amongst Club members, the Club changed its name to The Camping and Caravanning Club, the name by which it is still known today. The British Caravanners Club, currently has over 10,000 members, and the Camping and Caravanning Club has over 350,000 members.
The History of the BCC

The British Caravanners Club was formed in 1933 as a special interest section to cater for the growing number of new caravan owners.

We currently have just under 5000 members in 17 separate areas from all around Britain.
Each area is run by a committee of its own members who organise and run all their own meets.
The British Caravanners Club has an annual meet, held during the August bank holiday, called the Feast of Lanterns Rally (or FOL for short).

The club is managed by its members for its members. You can view the current list of the Officers of the Club here.

During the weekend before Spring Bank weekend is when we hold our Annual General Meeting where all BCC members are encouraged to join for a general discussion and everyone can have their say about how the club should be run.