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BCC Areas


If you wish to join us, or have any questions about the BCC, please contact the steward on site, or any of the Area Chairmen for more information. Please use the list below to locate your local area of the BCC. Simply click on your desired area for more information.

Our areas hold weekend and 5 day meets between March and November. There are also Temporary Holiday Sites (THS's) in all parts of the country which are run by members. Each area maintains their own list of weekend rallies and holiday meets. please feel free to contact any of the areas for assistance. There are no extra charges for awnings, pup- tents, children or dogs, just a simple fee per unit per night. Some areas charge a fixed cost price throughout the season for their weekend meets, so you know just how much you're going to pay for your weekend. Children are welcome and encouraged to camp with the BCC, and some areas have dedicated Youth Officers.



Derbyshire Area

East & West Yorkshire Area

East Midlands Area

London Thames Valley And Wiltshire Area

North Wales Area

North Yorkshire Area

Registered Address: The Camping and Caravanning Club, Greenfields House, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JH

Headquarters Phone: 024 7647 5448


Company Registration Number: 445520 England

VAT Reg Number: 238 4588 29

© 2025 The British Caravanners Club
Proudly created for The British Caravanners Club by The Wix Builder

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